The Apalachee High School Shooting: When Will This Madness End?

Another day, another tragic school shooting. This time, it’s at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia. Two students and two teachers are dead. Do I even need to explain how angry I am right now? How outraged we should ALL be?

How in the world has this become normal in the USA?

Here’s what we know so far. The victims of this senseless violence were 14-year-old students Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo. The educators, Richard Aspinwall and Christina Irimie were dedicated teachers who deserved so much better than to be gunned down at work. On top of the four lives taken, nine others were injured, left to recover physically, but with scars they will carry forever.

Let’s get one thing straight: This isn’t normal.

I’m furious. I’m angry at a society that allows this to keep happening, time and time again. This isn’t just about another headline of kids dying at school, it’s about a nation that has decided—yeah, decided—that guns are more important than lives. How can anyone look at these victims and say, “Well, freedom comes at a cost”?

Freedom of guns? Really? Freedom for who?

How did we get here, where parents wake up every day sending their kids to school, praying they don’t get a phone call that their child is dead? What kind of society accepts this as just part of life? I’m beyond disgusted with those who continue to support this so-called “freedom of guns.” You’re supporting violence, plain and simple.

Do you want to know the real cost of this freedom? Ask the families of Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo. Ask the loved ones of Richard Aspinwall and Christina Irimie. Their lives were stolen because we live in a country where it’s easier to buy a gun than it is to fix this broken system. That’s the price.

The authorities say the gunman was another 14-year-old student at the school. How many more children have to die before we wake up? Schools are supposed to be safe havens, not war zones. Yet here we are, again.

Gun control isn’t radical—it’s necessary.

Shame on those who support guns over the safety of our children. Seriously, shame on you. How many more people have to die before you open your eyes? Why do you love violence so much? Do you actually feel safe sending your kids to school every day knowing this could be their last?

I can’t wrap my head around it. Every single time we hear about another shooting, it’s the same story. "Thoughts and prayers," but no action. How can we call ourselves a civilized country when we let this happen over and over again?

So yeah, I’m pissed off. I’m angry for these victims, for their families, and for every single person who has to live in constant fear that their school might be next. If you’re someone who supports gun ownership over common sense gun control, I want you to comment below and tell me how you feel. How can you live with this?

How many more Masons and Christians need to die?

Because let’s be clear, this won’t stop until we make it stop.

#ApalacheeHighSchool #SchoolShooting #GunControlNow #EndGunViolence #WinderGA #GunReform #StopTheViolence #ProtectOurKids #SchoolSafety #GunControlDebate #JusticeForVictims #GunViolenceAwareness #SayNoToGuns #EnoughIsEnough #GunLaws #EndSchoolShootings #VictimsOfViolence #SaveOurChildren #GunReformNow #StopSchoolShootings
Aam Anusorn Soisa-ngim

Aam Anusorn is an independent filmmaker and storyteller with a decade of experience in the industry. As the founder and CEO of Commetive By Aam, he has directed and produced several acclaimed films and series, including the popular "Till The World Ends" and "#2moons2." Known for his creative vision and determination, Aam prefers crafting original stories that push the boundaries of traditional genres, particularly in the BL and LGBTQ+ spaces. Despite the challenges and pressures of working in a competitive field, Aam’s passion for storytelling drives him to explore new ideas and bring unique narratives to life. His work has garnered recognition and support from prestigious platforms, including the Tokyo Gap Financial Market. Aam continues to inspire audiences with his innovative approach to filmmaking, always staying true to his belief in the power of original, heartfelt stories.

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