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The Heart of an Independent Filmmaker: A Decade of Perseverance

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Imagine dedicating 10 years of your life to an industry you love, pouring your heart and soul into every project, earning recognition and praise, but never seeing the financial reward that matches your efforts. That’s the reality for many independent filmmakers, and for me, Aam Anusorn, it’s been both a rewarding and suffocating journey. Now, I’m reaching out not just to survive, but to continue creating content that matters.

I’ve been in the film industry for over a decade, working tirelessly as a filmmaker and the CEO of my independent company, Commetive By Aam. During this time, I’ve been recognized as a leading BL (Boys Love) director, with my works being celebrated and shared globally. Yet, despite this, I’ve never received the financial compensation I deserve from the platforms showcasing my work. Negotiations have often fallen through, and expensive legal battles have been out of reach.

What’s even more frustrating is that my work has been viewed millions of times, but the income has never matched the value it brings to audiences. I've always kept pushing forward, driven by my passion for storytelling and the belief that people need to hear these stories. But lately, I’ve felt suffocated, trapped by the weight of doing everything on my own—writing, filming, distributing—and never receiving the support that big-budget studios offer their creators.

Recently, a major milestone happened: Amazon began showcasing my work. It was a moment of pride—proof that I could break through, even without a big corporation backing me. But I’ve reached a point where I can no longer do it alone. YouTube cut down several of my videos, and as an independent filmmaker, I simply don’t have the resources to fight back.

That’s why I’m launching this crowdfunding campaign. My goal is to raise $2,300 to improve my studio’s sound and lighting equipment. It’s a small step, but one that will help me keep creating the content my fans love. If you’re reading this, I’m not asking for much—just a little support, whatever you can contribute. Even $0.57 for each of my 10 million views would make a huge difference.

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The one thing that has kept me going throughout all these challenges is you—my fans. You’ve been the lifeblood of my work, the only consistent source of encouragement. I’ve never asked for much in return, but now I’m asking for your support, whether that’s through a small donation or sharing my campaign with others who might be willing to help.

I won’t stop creating. I can’t. Filmmaking is the only way I feel truly heard, and I believe that my next project will be even better than the last. I promise you won’t be disappointed. If we can reach this goal together, I can focus on what I do best—telling stories that resonate, inspire, and entertain.

So here I am, an independent filmmaker, not giving up. I’m ready to keep fighting for my work, but I can’t do it alone anymore. With your help, I can take that next step and continue creating content that brings joy to so many. Every little bit helps, and I’m grateful for anything you can give—even if it’s just spreading the word.

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