Believing in Love: The Story Behind BL movie ‘Present Still Perfect’

Looking back on creating Present Still Perfect in 2019 brings up so many emotions for me. At that time, in Thailand, same-sex marriage was still illegal, and LGBTQ+ relationships weren’t fully accepted. The idea of them being recognized by the law felt like a distant dream. I remember reading an article in 2020 that called my film a "dream" for the LGBTQ+ community. The writer felt that while my movie was full of hope, it was just that—a hopeful fantasy that couldn’t happen in real life. That comment stuck with me, but it didn’t shake my belief in what I was doing.

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In August 2019, when I set out to make Present Still Perfect, almost no one believed in it. People around me doubted the story, and some even suggested I scale it down to a short film or just a pilot trailer because they were sure it would fail and I had 4 days to shoot, that was all budget we had. There were intense discussions within my team, with many people saying we should give up or play it safe. But despite all the doubts, I couldn’t let go of the feeling that this story needed to be told. Even when my producer, someone I deeply respect, wasn’t sure we should move forward, I knew in my heart that this film was important.

When I announced the sequel to the fans, I felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. The fans were eager but also worried. Many of them expected the story to end in heartbreak, with the characters separated in the end. They questioned why I would even make a part two, assuming it would only lead to sadness. But I saw the story differently. To me, this wasn’t just about the characters’ sexual orientation or what society expected of them. It was about two people who loved each other deeply, and that love was the heart of the story.

As the premiere got closer, I could feel the tension in the air. Everyone seemed to brace themselves for a sad ending. The day of the premiere is still fresh in my mind—it’s like I can still feel the energy of the room. The theater wasn’t packed with media or critics, but it was filled with fans who had traveled from all over just to be there. I remember the moment when the title of the film appeared near the end—everyone seemed to think they knew how the story would conclude. Someone even shouted, “THAT IS IT!!!” But then the real ending came, and what happened next was something I’ll never forget.

I had prepared myself for criticism, for people to be upset, but instead, the audience was overwhelmed with emotion. They cried, they laughed, they cheered—it was like they went through every emotion possible in those final moments. The theater manager later told me that he had never seen a crowd so deeply connected with a film before. That moment of pure connection left me feeling incredibly thankful and humbled.

The Hottest Scene in Present Still Perfect 

Not everyone saw it the same way, though. I remember reading a review from a film critic who identified as a feminist. She criticized the ending, saying it portrayed a woman who had to sacrifice her happiness by letting her husband be with another man. I understood her perspective, but I also felt she missed the bigger picture. After the film, the audience seemed to split into two groups. One group felt hopeful, believing that the story hinted at a future where same-sex marriage could become a reality, especially in Thailand. The other group, mainly those with feminist views, questioned why the female character had to let go of her happiness. They wondered why she had to give up so much. This debate made me realize how complex love and relationships can be.

A few months later, I came across the article from Prachathai, which it big publishers in Thailand. They discussed how *Present Still Perfect* was, at that time, a hopeful but unlikely dream. The writer reflected on how the film painted a picture of a world where love could conquer all but concluded that such a world wasn’t likely to exist anytime soon. Reading those words was bittersweet. On one hand, it recognized the power of the story I had put my heart into; on the other, it highlighted the tough reality that we were still far from true equality.

Now, four years later, I look around and see how far we’ve come, and I feel so grateful and proud. Same-sex marriage is becoming a reality in more places, including Thailand, and the world is slowly but surely accepting love in all its forms. It humbles me to know that my film, which once seemed like a distant fantasy, has inspired hope and helped bring about change.

Creating Present Still Perfect was more than just making a film—it was about believing in something bigger than myself, even when no one else did. It was about holding on to hope, even when the odds were against us. And now, as we live in a world where love can thrive freely, I am proud to have been part of that journey. My hope is that those who watch the film, now and in the future, will feel the love, passion, and belief that went into its creation. I hope they fall in love with the story, just as I did, and that they carry forward the message that love, in all its beautiful forms, is always worth fighting for.

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Aam Anusorn Soisa-ngim

Aam Anusorn is an independent filmmaker and storyteller with a decade of experience in the industry. As the founder and CEO of Commetive By Aam, he has directed and produced several acclaimed films and series, including the popular "Till The World Ends" and "#2moons2." Known for his creative vision and determination, Aam prefers crafting original stories that push the boundaries of traditional genres, particularly in the BL and LGBTQ+ spaces. Despite the challenges and pressures of working in a competitive field, Aam’s passion for storytelling drives him to explore new ideas and bring unique narratives to life. His work has garnered recognition and support from prestigious platforms, including the Tokyo Gap Financial Market. Aam continues to inspire audiences with his innovative approach to filmmaking, always staying true to his belief in the power of original, heartfelt stories.

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