Why America Needs to Fix Its Own Problems Before Helping Others: A Personal Take

I’ve been feeling increasingly frustrated with how Americans handle their country’s problems. As someone who used to live in the U.S. and still has family and friends there, I can't help but notice the glaring contradictions. Why are Americans so eager to help Palestine and Ukraine when they can’t even solve their own domestic issues?

The Real Problem at Home

Let’s be honest: the U.S. has a lot of work to do within its own borders. The frequent mass shootings are horrifying. In 2023 alone, there were 604 mass shootings—that's almost two a day! Think about it: innocent kids and families caught in the crossfire while trying to live their everyday lives oai_citation:1,Mass Shootings in 2024 | Gun Violence Archiveoai_citation:2,List of mass shootings in the United States in 2024 - Wikipedia. Why isn't this the top priority?

A Cultural and Political Quagmire

I get it, the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms are deeply rooted in American culture. But come on, at what cost? The political landscape is so divided that any attempt to implement stricter gun control laws faces massive resistance. Groups like the NRA wield enormous influence, making it almost impossible to enact meaningful change oai_citation:3,A timeline of mass shootings in the U.S. oai_citation:4,List of mass shootings in the United States by death toll - Wikipedia.

The Irony of Global Aid

Here’s what really gets me: while Americans are busy advocating for international causes on social media, they're ignoring the crises at home. Yes, it’s important to support global allies and maintain international stability. But why does it seem like domestic issues are taking a backseat? The focus on global aid can feel like a distraction from the urgent need to address gun violence, healthcare, and economic disparities in the U.S.

Voices on Social Media

Scrolling through TikTok and Twitter, it’s clear that many Americans are vocal about helping Ukraine and Palestine. But where’s the same energy for pushing for gun reform or improving the healthcare system? It's frustrating to see so much passion for international issues while domestic problems continue to worsen.

A Call for Balance

Balancing domestic and international responsibilities is crucial. The U.S. should lead by example, showing that it can take care of its citizens while also fulfilling its role on the global stage. This means implementing comprehensive gun control, addressing economic inequality, and ensuring access to quality healthcare.

My Perspective

As an outsider, it’s baffling to see Americans complain about their country while staying put and not pushing for real change. If you’re going to criticize your country, do something about it! Advocate for the issues that matter, vote for leaders who prioritize domestic well-being, and support policies that make a tangible difference.

Moving Forward

America needs to focus on fixing its own problems. This isn't about turning a blind eye to international crises but about recognizing the urgent need to make the U.S. a safer and better place for its citizens. Let's start by addressing the root causes of domestic issues and then look outward to help others.

It’s time for a shift in priorities. By tackling domestic issues head-on, America can truly stand as a global leader. It's not just about helping others; it's about setting an example of what a nation can achieve when it takes care of its own. So, to all the Americans out there: let’s fix home first before we try to save the world.

Aam Anusorn Soisa-ngim

Aam Anusorn is an independent filmmaker and storyteller with a decade of experience in the industry. As the founder and CEO of Commetive By Aam, he has directed and produced several acclaimed films and series, including the popular "Till The World Ends" and "#2moons2." Known for his creative vision and determination, Aam prefers crafting original stories that push the boundaries of traditional genres, particularly in the BL and LGBTQ+ spaces. Despite the challenges and pressures of working in a competitive field, Aam’s passion for storytelling drives him to explore new ideas and bring unique narratives to life. His work has garnered recognition and support from prestigious platforms, including the Tokyo Gap Financial Market. Aam continues to inspire audiences with his innovative approach to filmmaking, always staying true to his belief in the power of original, heartfelt stories.


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