Unheard Voices: The Struggle for Fairness in Indie Filmmaking

Explore the overlooked battles indie filmmakers face for recognition and fairness in the industry. This article sheds light on the disparity between the support actors receive and the challenges encountered by those behind the camera. Through personal anecdotes and a call to action, we advocate for a shift in perspective to recognize and support the creative forces driving indie cinema. Join us in championing the cause of indie filmmakers and understanding why their fight for justice matters to the broader entertainment world.

Did you ever hear the one about the indie filmmaker who shouted into the void, hoping someone would listen? Well, that's not just a bad joke; it's a reality for too many in the industry, including yours truly. Recently, a story caught my eye and, frankly, it's about time we talk about the elephant in the room: the glaring disparity between the adoration actors receive versus the often invisible struggles of the people behind the scenes.

Here's the scoop: A BL actor recently made headlines for demanding fairness after not receiving income from his work. And guess what? Fans went into overdrive, offering support left and right. It's heartwarming to see such solidarity. It's a beautiful thing to see a community rally behind someone they admire. But let's turn the camera around for a second—what about people behind the lens?

Speaking as an indie filmmaker and director, I've got a confession: I'm no matinee idol. I don't have the chiseled features or the magazine-cover smile. But does that mean my struggle for fairness and recognition is any less important? Here's the deal: I've poured my heart and soul into my work, only to watch big companies parade it around, pocketing all the earnings while I'm left rummaging through couch cushions for spare change.

When I raised my voice, hoping for a sliver of the support that actors receive, the response was... well, let's just say it wasn't what I hoped for. Instead of support, I got labeled—an attention seeker, a drama queen. It seems like when you're not in front of the camera, your struggles are less... photogenic.

But here's the kicker: when actors, those beloved faces of cinema, speak up, it's all hands on deck. "Oh, the poor darling!" the world exclaims. But when dudes like me, who work just as hard behind the scenes, call out for justice, we're suddenly the villains of our own story.

So, here's a thought: maybe it's time we start looking beyond the spotlight. The indie filmmaking community is brimming with talent, passion, and, yes, a fair share of struggles. We're not asking for the moon—just a bit of recognition and a fair shake at the table.

Let's make some noise, not for the sake of drama, but for fairness. For every indie filmmaker, screenwriter, editor, and everyone in between who's fighting the good fight, keep your chin up. Your stories matter, your struggles are valid, and your voice deserves to be heard. Maybe, just maybe, with a little more noise, and a little more support, we can start turning the tide.

So, what do you say? Ready to stand up for the underdog? Because in this blockbuster we call life, everybody deserves a fair shot at the box office.

Aam Anusorn Soisa-ngim

Aam Anusorn is an independent filmmaker and storyteller with a decade of experience in the industry. As the founder and CEO of Commetive By Aam, he has directed and produced several acclaimed films and series, including the popular "Till The World Ends" and "#2moons2." Known for his creative vision and determination, Aam prefers crafting original stories that push the boundaries of traditional genres, particularly in the BL and LGBTQ+ spaces. Despite the challenges and pressures of working in a competitive field, Aam’s passion for storytelling drives him to explore new ideas and bring unique narratives to life. His work has garnered recognition and support from prestigious platforms, including the Tokyo Gap Financial Market. Aam continues to inspire audiences with his innovative approach to filmmaking, always staying true to his belief in the power of original, heartfelt stories.


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